Necklace Residence is an incredible mirrored building that has the most absolute breathtaking view. Today, Wall Mirrors lets you in on the amazing and innovative features of the Necklace Residence, project from the REX architectural company.
Necklace Residence was a project from the architectural company – REX. This astonishing mirrored project was the one that won a competition on 2013. The Necklace Residence overlooks the Long Island Sound, and it features five private family homes. Its purpose is to give the society a new definition of the traditional American Homes.
This new definition on the Necklace Residence sits on the concept a total mirrored and sustainable home, giving an absolute new experience to every family. This experience serves to change society’s minds and let them rethink every aspect of the standard and normal homes. The design sits on a property of 43,500-square-feet, and it includes the Event Pavilion and the Entertainment Pavilion.
The Necklace Residence has the most breathtaking view over Long Island Sound, and gives you the possibility to observe the ocean from the deep location of the forest. This Necklace Residence stands as a beautiful mirrored building, that almost blends within the amazing forest, due to its mirrored features. The landscape around this project reflects every element, establishing this building as part of the own forest.
Each one of the homes from the Necklace Residence have their own definition and theme. Inside this building there’s the Checkerboard House, “U” House, Stripe House, Barcode House and finally the Dice House. Besides this special designations, the Necklace Residence also has a garage, a gym, an indoor swimming pool, a screening room, wine cellar, staff are and a spa.
This mirrored building also contains a circular glass walkway, that has the purpose to connect every home, converging into a central garden. The Necklace Residence carries a walkway that is lined with a cherry wood wall, that leads to the event and entertainment pavilions.
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