There’s a name for the most promising and creative design firm, which is DKOR Interiors. They firmly believe in the motto – “Concept. Collaborate. Create.” – in order to succeed in the interior design world, in the most amazing way possible. This firm is based in Florida, United States of America, and its goal is to perfectly establish the most innovative settings. Today, Wall Mirrors unveils the exclusive interview that we had with the company’s founder, Ivonne Ronderos.
Credits by DKOR Interiors
Florida it’s one of the go-to places to explore the best within the interior design industry, and DKOR Interiors it’s the best example to illustrate that same fact. Their design identity is able to reflect on the stunning settings they create and that is because they invest in the opportunity of “constantly learning new things”. The ability of “learning about new things like trends and design approaches, and meeting people that share similar passions” is definitely what drives them to be one of the most talented companies in North America. To improve each day, Ivonne looks “for new design shows to visit, new methods to incorporate into our design studio or items that we can include in our projects. There are two parts of my life here at DKOR: the company and the projects. They both teach me so much about the industry and myself every day”.
Credits by DKOR Interiors
The interior design firm displays amazing settings that are exclusive of their “own creation”, although sometimes they collaborate with “local or international vendors to create custom pieces for some of our residential projects. Whenever we work on a custom design, we do specify this is a collaboration with our firm, DKOR Interiors”. Through their accomplishments, they intend to “impacts people’s lives for the better — not only those of our clients but the positive impact it makes with our design team and local vendors”.
Credits by DKOR Interiors
To really impact every interior design lover’s life, they have a very “honest and human” relationship, where “transparency is what guides all of our communications. It doesn’t matter the strategy, channel or format we use, our message is always consistent, authentic and real, and always aligned with our company values. We want our audience to get to know us and to really connect with us”. When in the midst of creating that important connection, they focus their attention on a specific kind of client, which are “individuals and/or families who understand the value of interior design, and who are looking for talent, skills, and experience to bring their design visions to life”.
Credits by DKOR Interiors
DKOR Interiors, like many interior design companies, has faced many ups and downs through their professional journey, especially with the culture concept that they had to create within their brand. “The most challenging part of DKOR was creating the culture that we stand behind today. We all feel part of a greater purpose than ourselves and share our passion for design and serving our clients. We also all share similar values and it makes working at DKOR a second home that you look forward to going to. That took years to create, and also took a lot of self-discovery as well because I had to decide what those values were going to be and live by them, even when it leads to a more difficult decision”. The process of creating a design identity was long and painful, but it was completely worth it, without absolutely no regret.
Credits by DKOR Interiors
The love for the interior design world is definitely what moves them as a company, in order to create the amazing settings they’re able to bring to life. “Yes, but I’m a dreamer so I’m always looking for new challenges and setting new goals. I love to have something to work towards and like to enjoy the process in between. That’s probably why I love designing homes so much; there’s a purpose, a plan, a design, and a final result. I’d also like to find a way to teach other interior designers empathy through design — to cultivate the difference between design as an art form and design as a service“. The new challenges and goals that they establish for the future are growing and improving, as well as their talent.
Credits by DKOR Interiors
Right now, they have many exciting plans aligned for the future of the company. “We have exciting residential projects on the way. We’re designing dream homes for lovely families — projects that go beyond all that we’ve done before in terms of scale and/or style. We are all so excited to be working on creating these homes, where the inspiration always comes from our clients and the families that will live in them”. Families are clients that are involved in these interior settings, and DKOR Interiors couldn’t be more enthusiastic to be a part of these specific projects.
Credits by DKOR Interiors
Creatively speaking, Ivonne believes that the future trend in the design world sits on “a design approach that aims to create beautifully curated, not just decorated, spaces. They utilize finishing touches that include collected objects chosen to evoke emotion and translate the story they’re wanting to share with the design of their home”. As far as craftsmanship goes, she really thinks that “Italians set a pace in interior design with their cutting-edge craftsmanship and distinctive design”. On the eyes of the founder, Italy shares the most cutting-edge design, because when they “think about design excellence, “Made in Italy” is a phrase that always comes to mind. It has become a synonym of high-quality materials and innovation. It’s not just about profit for them, it’s about integrity”.
Credits by DKOR Interiors
The interior design company also believes that the focus of the design world in the future is definitely “the clients and their needs”. It will be a “human-centered design where the focus and attention will always be the end-user and their specific needs and requirements. An exclusive focus on a decorative aesthetic or on the own style of the design professional is no longer gratifying”. So, in their focus and goal, they are invested in putting the client first, as they always did, making sure that every setting is absolutely perfect. With that ethos in mind, it’s easy to understand why DKOR Interiors is such a talented design company.
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