Behold Kimsooja's Amazing Mirrored Installation



Kimsooja is an amazing artist that unveiled her latest art installation, that is called “To Breathe”. Until September 29th, you can visit this historic chapel, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, in England, to admire this artist’s amazing installation that features mirrors, film, photons and light. Today, Wall Mirrors unfolds this masterpiece, that is absolutely breathtaking!


Through these images, you can almost feel the peace and relaxation that this art installation provides. “To Breathe” is the name behind this majestic and one-of-a-kind art installation, in an old chapel at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, in England. This incredible installation features mirrors, film, photons and a mixture of light and meditation.


Behold Kimsooja's Amazing Mirrored Installation

Kimsooja is the artist who brought this concept to this old chapel, balancing the own art that she exposed, with the recording of her own breathing. Within this art installation, there’s a mirrored floor with diffraction film, and once the light comes into the chapel, it reflects in the most amazing and beautiful way.


Behold Kimsooja's Amazing Mirrored Installation

Once the light enters the chapel’s large and antique windows, there’s a natural and astonishing spectrum of colors that are reflecting, resembling an intense rainbow. This art installation is strategically set up to reflect on the amazing architectural spaces of this chapel, to translate its amazing effect throughout the building. This is a view that is absolutely worth to check out, for you to experience a different and amazing art.


Behold Kimsooja's Amazing Mirrored Installation

This art installation features a sensorial experience, to provide the public a space for reflection and meditation. It transmits calm and peaceful vibes, in a way that it transcends the experience for more than just observing an art installation. To accentuate this mood, Kimsooja created the soundtrack of her own breathing, and attached it to the echoes of the chapel.


Behold Kimsooja's Amazing Mirrored Installation

This artist’s purpose is to create a void, in order to establish a balance between the act of inhaling and exhaling. Peace is the ultimate focus of this art installation, which is a very refreshing approach to today’s contemporary art. If you happen to have the privilege of admiring this artist’s work, make sure to stop by the chapel. The very own action of stoping for just a second, and admire your surroundings, with the help of some soul searching, is the absolute goal of Kimsooja.


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